Defenderâ„¢ FS

The Defender™ FS (Fire Safe) sealing/isolating gasket is designed to withstand the rigorous API standard 6FB (Third Edition) test and therefore provides a solution for those who want to electrically isolate their flange while also requiring protection against the potential introduction of fire in and around the flange.
The objective of the test is to monitor the total leakage for the duration of the burn/cool-down cycle and during re-pressurization. Leakage is determined by the total water level drop through a visual sight gauge during the burn/cool-down cycles, by manually catching the water in a calibrated container during re-pressurization.
The results concluded that the Defender™ FS Gasket is able to maintain its fire safe characteristics throughout the entirety of the test. During the 30 minute burn and 30 minute cool down period, the measured leakage was 0 ml/min versus the allowable rate of 22.765 ml/min. The leakage rate during the re-pressurization cycle was 5 ml/min versus the allowable rate of 22.765 ml/min.
Based on years of technological experience with Kammpro® core design, the Defender™ FS sealing/isolating gasket not only meets but exceeds the pressure-containing capabilities in standard 6FB (Third Edition) as outlined by API.

• Tested and certified to API 6FB (Third Edition).
• Two integral robust sealing elements for sealing and isolating in an engineered fire safe design.
• Serves as a sealing/isolation for fire safe applications.
• Incorporates industry proven Kammpro®: sealing technology.
• Patent Pending Design.

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